Saturday, July 13, 2013

Boat Camping at Sucia Island (Day 2)

 On Friday morning it was my turn to make breakfast.

 This is potatoes and bacon for the scrambled eggs. :)  In my opinion, this is the best/only way to make this style of eggs for camping.  One bag of pre-cooked hashbrown potatoes (in a bag from the store with onions and peppers),  a package of thick sliced bacon (chopped and cooked at home) and eventually...  a dozen eggs, scrambled by cracking them into a gallon Ziploc bag and smashing till even in color. Let the potatoes crisp up, then add the bacon and when that is warmed through, add the eggs.  Season with salt and pepper.

 River Otter

 Nodding Onion (Allium Cernuum)

 The plan for the day was to visit the adorable community of Eastsound on Orcas Island.  When we arrived, we were glad to find room on the dock that really only has room for 2 boats (and a bunch of starfish apparently).  It takes a long time to travel up East Sound (the area of water up the center of the island) so it's a gamble as to whether or not there will be dock space when you arrive!  See the map here to see what I am talking about...  Eastsound is #6 on the map and East Sound is the water below it.

 We shared the dock with this sailboat, the captain of this boat lived aboard full time, so far he'd been living aboard for 7 years!

 I love it when cousins get along this well.  Little Mr. calls her "Anana."

 Free range metal chicken. :)  At least that is what the signs told us to watch out for.

 The view from the door of the Madrona Bar and Grill where we ate a yummy dinner.

 Chubby legs. :)  I don't know why he was still wearing his socks, we took off his pants because he was really hot.

 My awesome salad.  If you have never had capicola... you must. It has an intense flavor. It's so yummy in a salad with goat cheese, spinach, candied walnut and citrus vinaigrette.  I added some chicken for Little Mr., since we were sharing.

 A rare moment of sleep while not swaddled... I loved seeing that little hand poking out from under the blanket.

 There are a couple of really cute shops in Eastsound.

 The drive home.

 Back at "camp."  This time we anchored in the bay because there was no dock space.  It was SO peaceful!

 The Mr. rowing to shore in our raft.

 Salad and Grace's camp.

 Another beautiful evening!


  1. This is such a lovely virtual trip!!! What memories for your darling

  2. Beautiful pictures!! That looks like such a nice camping spot! So relaxing and there is nobody around!

  3. Ohhhh, those last shots are just summer in a picture! Perfect.


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