Monday, February 27, 2012

Seattle Home Show

We visited the Seattle Home Show this year. I have never been to a home show before, but there were definitely a lot of interesting things to look at. There were a lot of neat displays and some of the landscaping that was set up was so beautiful!

The dads checking out Rainbow Play Systems.

Little Mr. catching a few ZZZ's. It was a short nap, but turned out to be a sweet one. When he woke up he was more than happy to play on all the tractors!

These photos are for Grampa. Little Mr. always goes for the knobs and shifters.

This is not the first time he "rode" in a gator, as Grampa has one and they took him for a ride when we were visiting this summer.

Cousin Bri trying it out.

Uncle Mont found out that Little Mr. fit perfectly in the bucket. :)

I loved these knobs and pulls, so cute! If you like the snail, you can buy it here for oh, say.... $71 on sale. What a steal! Yikers. I also loved this line of knobs (click and scroll down), wouldn't they be perfect in an ocean themed home? They are a little more affordable at around $17 a knob, but I still can't see myself paying that!

I bought myself a bag of gluten-free Cosmos caramel popcorn and it was fantastic. Worth the $6. It's not made with popped corn, so it's hull-less and kernel free and SO yummy. I was told they sell it at one of my local grocery stores, but I am afraid to check. Or I should say my waistline is afraid to check. :)

If you ever get a chance, shows like this are a lot of fun even if you aren't planning any home renovations. I got inspiration for decorating and had a great day hanging out with the J family.


  1. I love home shows! I'm sure that one was bigger than any here. I even loved going before I had my own place... haha

  2. I used to work the home shows every year for my last job--so I've had enough for a lifetime. :-) That being said, there's always cool things to see-I LOVE the glass knobs!


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