Monday, July 6, 2009

On the Water

On June 15 we got to spend a beautiful day out on the water with The Mr's mom as well as his sister R and our nephew SB. I'll let the photos do the explaining!


A houseboat towing a motorboat. What a different life that must be!

A blog that I read took a similar shot a day later.

A church building at Roche Harbor.

Dominique's House is a place I could spend some moolah very easily!

Old lime kiln/mining area.

Look at the love handles on that seal to the right! Yowza!

Headed for hiking at Stuart Island.

Boundary Pass Traders had their wares out for sale.

No, this photo is not edited!

Mt. Baker in the background.

Mt. Baker

Can I get that sunset shot just one more time? Nope, a wave splashed in the way!


  1. Ohhh P - he is such a cutie!! Mom J looks marvelous and your pics are beautiful!!

  2. Great pictures! I have to know, are those cookies gluten free? Hehe!
    Jessie at Blog Schmog

  3. Yes, they are gluten free! They have no flours at all, just peanut butter, sugar and baking soda I think. If you email me at chattyhousewife(at) I will give you the recipe!

  4. I love that sunset/wave photo, that's great timing!


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