Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Verses and Choruses

(I've been having problems with uploading photos, sorry for the long break in posting!)

I love Sunday School Treats. The kids are so cute standing up there all by themselves and this year all of the kids were very brave! We had a talk for the kids, then the four classes gave their presentations and books were handed out as a reward for Sunday School attendance. After that, there were games for everyone. One of the games was a crazy relay that involved drinking water out of a cup, eating an entire licorice shoelace, eating a doughnut hole that was dangling off a string in the air, unwrapping, chewing and blowing a bubble with a piece of Hubba Bubba and you had to do all of that with your hands tied behind your back. It all happened so quickly that I didn't get one shot that wasn't blurry but it was so much fun to watch! After the games we had a nice supper and lots of time to relax and visit. I took Petra with me to the meeting room for the first time. It was her first time in Canada actually!

Heather's class.

Dave's class.

If you would like to follow along with the songs and verses in the videos below, I posted the lyrics and verses to YouTube. Clicking the video will take you to it's YouTube page and then click on "more info" on the sidebar to the right.

My Class
(Excuse my nervousness that made me prompt way too much, the girls knew their stuff!)

The Toddler Class

"Can't I go run and lick all the kids to death?"

"No? Okay, I'll just sit and watch."

Playing a matching game where they had to search their friends for people with matching hair color or eyes etc.

Marshmallow and toothpick building contest.

Boys will be boys! We looked out the window to see these two little boys climbing around in the trailer with BARE BOTTOMS. It was hilarious and SO cute, but the moms showed up and "ruined" all their fun! I guess this stage is just another part of potty training?

Thanks for putting smiles on our faces boys, even though you were "rescued" and clothed.


  1. Oh, SS Treats are so fun! I do think that they are more of a treat for us adults though then the poor kids up front! :) Oh and love, love, love the pics of the lil' streakers! Hee hee!!!

  2. So fun to see videos of your Sunday School treat. Great job all of you.

  3. Cute! Esp the little boys in the trailer! That was one of the best ones yet I think (for a local SS treat).

  4. That was super cute! Brad was singing along with the songs haha Those little boys were extra cute too! Reminded me of me when I was that young! I was that naked kid running around the neighborhood cause I hated clothes haha Oh and the toddler group was hilarious. That one little boy on the left killed me! Brad and I just about died laughing!


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