Kim was here she totally inspired me. This card was made using my sewing machine and some paper she gave me. Instructions: Sew the little pieces of paper to nothing, just sew them so it looks cool and go really slow so you don't sew them to your fingers. Then glue them to your card. That way you don't have sewing sticking out on the inside of your card!

By Kim. The buttons are sewed on. You can also just sew the buttons to nothing and glue them on if you have sticky enough glue.

Buttons and buttons and more buttons. I love buttons! Kim bought me this $4 bag of misc. buttons from Walmart in Canada. They don't have them at our Walmart here so I asked her to pick one up for me. There are tons of buttons of all shapes, sizes, colors and styles.

We sorted them for fun. It's like doing a puzzle, very relaxing!

The dining room became our craft room for a couple of days.

The result of the sorting.

A few favorites.

The result of the card making. (Thanks for the photo K.)
Wow! You have quite the collection of cards! The sewing one is so neat!! Love your collection of buttons, too - so fun! :)