Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lily's House

The other night we went over to Lily's house and she had these beautiful lilies and roses in her front yard that I just couldn't stop taking photos of.

I got to meet her new little pet for the first time. It was so much fun! Our bunny Thumper doesn't like to be held, so it was fun to hold this little guy and cuddle with him until he had had enough of me. They call him Cottontail, and he is so adorable!


  1. What a cute bunny! Thanks for entering my giveaway! God Bless, Celene

  2. Awwww.....he's so CUTE and snuggly!!
    oh, by the way, I left an answer to your question on my blog - it's that the proper way to do it, or should I have left the comment here? Not sure of all the "blog etiquette yet! ;)

  3. Jenn, yes the proper way to answer a question is to answer it where it was asked. :)

    I think... :)


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