This was a day full of so much fun! Hosh and Jolly played disk golf with The Mr. while I had some one on one time with Kitten. We went to the Lake Stevens Disc golf course which is in a beautiful park with lots of trees and shady grass areas. I carried my niece Kitten around in a front carrier until she fell asleep and then I sat on a blanket under a tree and read a book. It was so relaxing for both Kitten and I, and I really got to bond with her. This is so important when your family lives so far away from you because babies change and grow so quickly! I was so busy spending time with Kitten that I forgot to take any photos.
After disc golf we drove to the Rainbow Run putting course in Redmond, Wa. It was a lot of fun! Kitten didn't mind being pushed around in the stroller as long as we could find a shady place to park her while we putted. It was so warm! The course is a lot of fun, and has neat landscape.
After the putting greens, we got in the car and made our way to downtown Seattle for the Mariners vs Padres baseball game. We got hotdogs for dinner from the street concession stands and then met up with Napper and Cheerful.
The Mariners lost. So therefore Cheerful was quite cheerful as the Padres were her home team back in California. Kitten slept in the car on the way home and it was a very quiet drive. It was a busy day and a late night, but more than worth it!
Looks like you guys had lots of fun! Your little niece is one of the cutest babies I've seen in a long time (excluding my own, of course!). :)