Monday, May 26, 2008

Hosh and Jolly Day 1

Thursday afternoon (this would be....the 15th, excuse my "retro blogging") I was hurriedly rushing around the house with my walking clothes on, vaccuming, tidying, dusting and waiting for the sheets to come out of the dryer so I could make up the spare bedroom for my sister and brother in law, who were bringing Kitten for a visit. I expected them around 5 pm, since it is a long drive from Regina, Sk! I was just about 1/2 way done vacuuming when the doorbell rang. I looked over at The Mr. with a shocked look of terror and he said "is that them?" and I answered with "I don't know, but you better go answer the door!" It was them of course, way ahead of schedule because they drove through the night. I guess since they are family, they didn't mind my half cleaned house or my slobby dressed self! I was so excited to see them of course and quickly finished tidying the house before rushing off to shower and un-slobbify myself. I felt a lot better once I was looking normal, and the house looked tidy, and they were even early enough that I could serve a late lunch! After lunch we went to Bellingham and played disc golf and later we packed up a BBQ for the beach. We played Bocce, sat and talked, and had cheddarwurst hotdogs for supper. Yum!

Here is Kitten chowing down on a pickle. Not her regular food, but we were all eating lunch and I didn't want her to feel left out!

Myself, Kitten and Jolly playing disc golf. Sorry this photo is so far away, I guess you can click on it if you want to see us. :) The tulip trees (magnolias) were breathtaking!

Here is Kitten- what a heart stealer!

Story Time

The sun starts to set.

Sleepy Time

Hosh and Jolly (Or I guess in the order of the photo above- Jolly and Hosh.)

This is one of my favorite spots to spend time, so it was so nice to be able to spend time there with some of my favorite people as well!


  1. So glad you get to spend time with your sister and bro-in-law and cutest little niece! She is a doll!

  2. So fun to be able to spend time with family!! Kitten is so cute!! in the sleepy time pic. she looks very much like her mommy.

  3. Awww what a fun looking and sounding time!
    The flowers you get in spring down there are amazing!

  4. sjo- Kitten looks most of all like my mom, but I do see her mommy in her sometimes!


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