Monday, May 14, 2007

Mothers Day

On the 11th, Lily put together a Mothers Day tea at the meeting room. Everyone pitched in, bringing food, decorations, tea cups and tea pots. It turned out to be very pretty and a lot of fun too. There were strawberries stuffed with whipped cream and mascarpone cheese, scones with jam and clotted cream (-yummy!) mini sausages, cubed cheese, meatballs, samosas, tea sandwiches, desserts, fruit and of course - lots of tea!


  1. Looks mouth is watering...mmmm.

  2. I wish I had been there! What I happy day! myspotforhim.

  3. What a happy day, oops!

  4. What a great idea...our All Day Meeting falls on Mothers' Day EVERY year. We just shrug and then carry on. The tables look spiffy. How many mothers did you have?

  5. gramma- we had it for all women, not just mothers. I am not sure how many were there.


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