Little Mr. asks us to make bridges every day, he loves his Matchbox cars and trucks!
He's still crazy on the rocking horse. It never gets old I guess!
Both boys sleeping in Target while Mommy and Auntie K shop... so nice! My youngest sister was here visiting for a few days and it was a great time! Little Mr. LOVED her!
Little boy toys are so cute.
The Woods Coffee for lunch. They have the yummiest gluten-free breakfast sandwiches. Oh, and we smuggled in Sonic tater tots from across the parking lot for Little Mr. Sneaky sneaky!
Don't worry, his meal of tater tots was balanced out by some apple sauce! :)
Later Gator!
Another dual nap on a different day... oh how I love this stroller!
Matching shirts again. It melts my heart. :) These ones were originally purchased by Gramma B. for Little Mr. and his older cousin J. Now they fit both my boys!
Little Brother is THREE Months old now!
We tried on their Lord's day conference outfits just to see if they fit... and they did! My sister K made the bow ties and put them on the shirts as a gift when Little Brother was born.
Auntie K and Little Brother. I think Little Brother will like iPhones just as much as his big brother one day.
Over the weekend of the 18th, there was a wonderful Bible conference in Kirkland that we were able to attend. It was a really nice weekend and even though it was a busy time for me as I was often taking care of one or both of the boys instead of taking in a full meeting, I came away refreshed and encouraged! This is the only photo I got of the entire three-day conference, but it turned out sweet and I will always cherish it as it reminds me of how amazing it is to be a mother taking care of children that are a gift from God. I'll always look back on my time in the nursery with fondness. This was Little Brother's very first conference and I pray that both boys will be able to attend many more Bible conferences in the future and grow to love the Lord Jesus as young children!
I well remember the days when I missed parts of Bible meetings due to being in the nursery with a baby, but I really believe that the Lord gives busy mamas nuggets of truth from what parts they do hear that are encouraging and nourishing food for our souls- glad you are finding it so as well! ~Twila