We never get tired of the Bellingham Farmers Market, I feel like there is always something new to see. Little Mr. really liked looking at these bees, and we spent a dollar to get a piece of fresh honey in the comb.
My first piece of jewelry from the market and probably not my last. The faceted Czech glass beads are stunning in the sunlight.
Spiced pecans fresh from the pot smell amazing and taste even better.
Peonies are one of my favorite flowers and have been since I was a child cutting them from my mothers front flowerbed.
Checkin' out the news.
Rows of kayaks at Zuanich Point Park, waiting their turn in the Ski to Sea race. By the end of the day there would have been 500 here, as that was the reported amount of teams for the race.
Little Brother in the Moby wrap.
You are blessed to live so near a great farmers' market! I miss that; our town has a little one and maybe it'll grow to be that cool.