Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Part 2

 The weather continued to be beautiful during Phone Guy and Princess' visit so we were able spend even more time outdoors.

 This path at Lake Whatcom is perfect for an easy stroll, especially with strollers. :)

 Princess told me this is wild current, it's so pretty.  Notice this one is growing right out of a crack in solid rock.

After the walk we went to Cornwall Park to spend some time at the play structure.

 On our last day together, we went to Lake Stevens.  The guys played the Lake Stevens Disc Golf course and the kids played on the really cool playground.

 They have a wooden play structure unlike any I have seen, it is full of little passageways and stairways and slides... really cool!

 Little Mr. loves slides and goes down them by himself, climbing up again and again to ride them.  However, I think this particular slide gave him a run for his money, as you can see by the look on his face.  It was way faster than any slide he's ever been on I think!  He enjoyed it though!

Thanks for coming to visit guys, what a blast!


  1. Been a long time since seeing this blog....not sure if it is me or you.Good pics of the children having fun!!

    1. It's me! I took a looong break from blogging during my last pregnancy. :)


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