Monday, April 1, 2013

Little Brother's First Week

When we brought Little Brother home from the hospital, my parents were here for six days and these are the photos I took while they were here. It's fun for me to look back at them and see how much Little Brother has changed since then. He was so little! He weighs over 10lbs now and is a month old.

Little Mr. opening his early 2nd birthday gift from his Nana and Great Grandpa.  Little Brother got lots of presents too over the next few days.

Little Mr. LOVES his lego train!  Not only are trains one of his new favorite things, but this one came with a woof (dog), one of his long time favorites.

Cuddle time with Grandpa.

Lunch at Red Robin on the 22nd.

Little Brother slept so much back then!  Almost full time.

Little Brother also made an appearance in Starbucks that day.  :)

Sunbeam time for vitamin D.

My little blondie.

When my parents were here, we played countless games of Ticket to Ride on my Mom's iPad.  I love that game!  I was in iPad withrawal when she left and so was Little Mr.  He loves her iPad and iPhone.

One of the coolest things about the iPad is Face Time.  We were able to have a "face to face" conversation with my sister Jolly and her family, minus the littlest one who was in bed.

Lord's day morning.

Little Brother's first time at meeting.

Cuddle time with Gramma B.

Dinner at Anthony's Home Port in Bellingham.

It's so easy to eat out with a newborn, they just sleep the whole time!

Our beautiful view.

"Yum, I love shrimp cocktail!"

It was a special occasion, my Dad's birthday!

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