Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fun in The Sun

Uncle M (as we affectionately call him) was here for a visit so we took him out on the boat with Droo's family and Pete. The sky was so clear and the water was great. These kids make me smile with their sweet smiling faces, so be prepared for a kid-photo-filled post! :)



I actually got a shot of the entire group on the boat except for myself. Six adults and three kids!

Dee and her girls.

Mt. Baker was trying hard to poke through the clouds/forest fire smoke? This day was the haziest day we had ever seen out in the San Juan islands and we've never seen a day like it since.

It's always fun to zoom in and check out what is riding on container barges. On this particular one there is a full sized truck to the far left, left of center there is a truck raised up on huge tires, a garbage dumpster with a bent mesh lid sits at center top, there is a green front end loader tractor to the right of center, next are some huge propane tanks and lots of semi trailers without their trucks, below that sits a bright orange excavator and eventually on the far right at the top, a motor home. Such a hodge podge that looking at the photo feels like the perfect search-and-find for a little boy.

Mt. Baker finally came out to wow us all. The mountain looks so huge from the water.

Bald Eagle

Stopping at Rosario Resort to stretch our legs. We couldn't stay long since we were parked at the gas dock.

There was a family there who had taught their dog to play tether ball. The dog would jump and hit the ball as it came around, sometimes biting it just soft enough to make the game keep going. It was hilarious!!!!!

Lavender is so beautiful.

Can you see the bee? It's at the center.

Another bee.


Bye Rosario! We wish you would have had dock space so we could have went for a hike to your lake and swam! (Note to self: add dinghy to shopping list.)

Lunch on the boat.

Coffee at The Doctor's Office, Friday Harbor.

Dinner at Haley's Bait Shop, also in Friday Harbor.

Look at the difference between the two temperatures. We are pretty sure it was at least that hot or hotter, but the water is usually warmer than that, so we're not sure where they get their info. Maybe it's from some buoy out in the open ocean somewhere?

Dessert at Friday Harbor Ice Cream Co. They have TONS of flavors (like, over 50 at least), so it is our favorite place for ice cream.

Cake enjoying some of her dad's cone.

There were kids running around with nets catching these shrimp in the marina.

Goodbye Friday Harbor!

Uncle M

Droo and I. It's hard to believe that I met this guy as soon as he was born and he is already this big.

The favorite spot for the kids is to stand on the little steps that lead up to the bow. I love what it does to their hair.

These last three photos document my favorite memory of the entire day. On the way home, Cake and I sat in my favorite place on the boat, right at the back where the wind goes through your hair and you have an unhindered view of all that is around you.


  1. Great pictures! Thanks so much for another fun day out on the water!

  2. Interesting close up and description of the barge...I have never inspected them before.

  3. Wow beautiful! My daughter was interested in the picture of someone holding a shrimp in their hand. She didn't know what it was! We live in the mountains and have not gotten to go to an ocean yet.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! :) Drinking cinnamon apple tea is a great thing to do on a frosty day too!!


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