Monday, December 14, 2009

Goodbye Nadia...

Our dear sister in the Lord and friend, Nadia went home to be with the Lord. She is now free of pain and suffering and is safe with our Lord Jesus. We all hope to join her someday soon when He comes for us, and are so glad that she is in such a perfect place and is now free from the trials and cares of this world. I added dots onto the end of my post title because I want to add something, we can say "goodbye Nadia... see you soon" if we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ! Please pray for comfort and strength for her family and for her friends. My youngest sister, who was best friends with Nadia wrote a post today to say goodbye and I love how she titled it: We'll see you soon, Nadia!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your personal loss, but happy for you friend who is now with our wonderful and gracious Lord and Savior! This life is but a vapor, and soon we will all be joining them. But first, we must be about His business and reach out to the lost sheep, while there is still time. :)


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