Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Yesterday was a slow day for me. I didn't have all that much to do, (or should I say "that I wanted to do") so I ended up spending a little bit of time in the afternoon with pencil crayons and cheap printer paper. I have decided that I like to draw. I used to draw a lot when I was younger, but most of it was just squiggles and doodles. I find it really relaxing. Since it was gloomy and grey outside, I drew flowers. Here are a few examples. (Be gentle!) Sorry for the low quality, since they are photos and turned out really dark. We don't have a scanner.


If you haven't already looked at this, in the side bar I have uploaded a free desktop for anyone who would like it. It is a collage of photos I took on June 1. The best part of my walk that day was seeing the rabbit. It was so much like Thumper, that I laughed and scared it away. First it walked around in a circle, found a nice place to dig a little and bunny-plopped down onto it's side to have a nice little bunny-nap. It is so funny how they bunny-plop. It's like they just throw themselves down onto their sides and fall automatically into a deep relaxing sleep. Adorable. I hope to see this bunny again on future walks. Even if he wasn't as cute as Thumper, he sure was fun to watch.


  1. Oh wow, those are very nice! I like to draw now and then too..but I think you're better at it than I am. LOL

  2. ok, i need some blog comment do i respond to each comment. can you help me dear cousin?

  3. Thank you Jen. :)

    Nicole, I am not sure what you mean. To respond to comments, I think it makes the most sense to respond by commenting on the same post that they commented on. When I ask a question in a comment, I check back later in the comments section to see if it got a response. That way it is like a conversation. I have seen others answer questions or respond by going to the commenter's blog and responding there, but I think that is confusing, because other readers don't know what is being talked about.

    You can't respond to each comment individually. I just comment, and then type in names as to who I am addressing.

    I hope that helps.

  4. Those are really good drawings they look so realistic. I've enjoyed scribbling from time to time too, especially during a conference cause it actually helps me listen better.( Try convincing your parents of that one as a kid!):0D

  5. Hi Coralee! It's been a long time since i've had time to check your blog - i've missed it! I like your drawings - you have many talents!

    you should buy a bunny leash and take your bunny walking. Our bunny loved going for walks!

  6. thanks...i think i was hoping to be able to comment within the comments but this makes sense. thanks.


Your comments make my day, thank you!