Monday, February 5, 2007

Mt. Baker Snow Party

On Saturday we went to Mt. Baker with a group of friends and had a great day. The weather wasn't too cold and the visibility was good. It was Dave's first time on a snowboard, so we were all looking forward to the hilarity that learning to snowboard creates, but alas, we were disappointed. He didn't fall that much. Here are some pictures from the day that are clickable for large versions.

(Thanks Heather for the pics from the mountain!)

Crazy Hair Dude playing the part of Seamstress. As you can see, Crazy Hair Dude is a fitting title.

Shots2Go Coffee shop, open in time for Heather and Mrs. Crazy Hair Dude!

Napper, Crazy Hair Dude and The Mr.

Great Scenery (Thanks, but I mean the mountain...)

Mrs. Crazy Hair Dude on the lift

The Chatty Housewife

Being silly with Mr. and Mrs. Crazy Hair Dude.

Group picture! L to R: Andrew, Crazy Hair Dude, Dave, Mrs. Crazy Hair Dude, The Chatty Housewife, The Mr.,Napper, Harrison. Photographer: Heather

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