Thursday, December 6, 2012

Little Mr.'s First Haircut

Today was a big day for Little Mr., as we got his hair cut for the very first time!

His hair was getting a little shaggy. :)

Little curls had appeared in the back....  we loved them though!

Eventually things were getting out of hand with the "mullet!"  This photo was taken fresh out of the bath, but during the day the hair would lay flat over his shirt collar except for one curl behind each ear.  We knew it was time for a trim!

Curls all the way across!

We found a little place in Bellingham called Hair 4 You that had a cute car for him to sit in.

He looked so tiny and cute under the drape.

The first cuts were the curls and I saved them all in an envelope.  The hairdresser just snipped them off and handed them to me like she did that every day, but inside I was breaking!  I told myself that the finished product would look cute regardless of what just happened lol.  I  This lovely lady was really great with him.  She was totally calm and quiet, snipping away as Little Mr. steered the car every which way.

For most of the haircut, he was completely still, but you could see the wheels of the car moving, so we knew his hands were on the steering wheel.  Otherwise, I'm not sure he would have kept so still!

Daddy held his head while the hair around his ears was trimmed.

And voila!  We have the finished product, nicely trimmed!  No more fluffy, sweet, unruly baby curls, but a dapper, cute little toddler cut instead.


  1. It looks good!! and Wow! I love how you got so many photos. I was so busy keeping Wesley still during his first haircut (even though it was in a car) I forgot to take them. At the second haircut (because the girl comments didn't stop) it was a disaster with scissors flying and him screaming and swatting away.

  2. Awwwww, he looks so grown up! Just wait until baby arrives, he'll look even bigger! Miss him so much, I just want to squeeze him.

  3. So precious. I love the picture with you and the beautician and Little Mr.! It's amazing how every haircut seems to age a child. Hugs to you!

  4. Can't wait to give him a squeeze! Only a couple more weeks!

  5. Awww!! The haircuts always make them look so much older! He's so cute. Can't wait to hang out!

  6. Neat idea using a car for kids to sit in. It doesn't look like it bothered him at all. He looks very calm and super cute with the new do!!

  7. That first haircut always is the hardest! (hugs!)

  8. Missed you! Good to see the little Mr. again. -kdk

  9. So hard to see the first hair go :( He looks so handsome though with it cut. I always thought it made my boys look incredibly older to have a trim! Boo hoo!


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